Indonesia In-person event – Boost Your Career with AI and Master Negotiation Skill
“Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia di bawah”
Join Us for the 3rd part of Indonesia’s Women Leadership Development Series. The First Offline Event in 2024 by the Indonesian Chapter.
The rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the job market, raising concerns about its impact on human employment. Alongside these changes, women still face unique challenges in the workplace, including gender biases and stereotypes that affect their perceived assertiveness and competence, complicating their path to leadership roles.
This empowering workshop is designed to help women thrive and excel in their careers by equipping them with two essential skills:
1. Riding the wave of AI at work
2. Sharpen your skill in negotiating at work and with clients
If you are in Middle Management level, the workshop aims to empower women with the skills needed to advocate for themselves and secure better opportunities in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven, and highly competitive job market. While AI can enhance women’s ability to leverage technological advancements, strong negotiation skills will help them advance in their careers and promote greater equity in the workplace.
Bergabunglah dengan kami untuk bagian ketiga dari Seri Pengembangan Kepemimpinan Wanita Indonesia. Acara Offline Pertama pada tahun 2024 oleh Chapter Indonesia.
Pertumbuhan pesat Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) sedang mengubah pasar kerja, memunculkan kekhawatiran tentang dampaknya pada pekerjaan manusia. Selain perubahan ini, wanita masih menghadapi tantangan unik di tempat kerja, termasuk bias gender dan stereotip yang memengaruhi persepsi mereka tentang ketegasan dan kompetensi, yang mempersulit jalan mereka menuju posisi kepemimpinan.
Workshop pemberdayaan ini dirancang untuk membantu wanita berkembang dan berprestasi dalam karier mereka dengan membekali mereka dengan dua keterampilan penting:
1. Terampil memanfaatkan AI di dunia kerja
2. Mempertajam keluwesan bernegosiasi di tempat kerja maupun dengan klien
Data Product Owner @ DKatalis
Nerissa Arviana is a Data Product Owner at DKATALIS, with extensive experience in product management and data-driven decision-making. She advocates for gender inclusivity and meritocracy in STEM, promoting equal opportunities within the industry.
Nerissa Arviana
Data Product Owner di DKATALIS
dengan pengalaman luas dalam manajemen produk dan pengambilan keputusan berbasis data. Ia memperjuangkan inklusivitas gender dan meritokrasi di bidang STEM, mempromosikan kesempatan yang setara di industri ini.
B2B Digital Innovation Analyst @PT Astra Honda Motor
Okky Marita Sari is a B2B Digital Innovation Analyst at a leading Indonesian two-wheeler automotive manufacturer. In a male-dominated industry, she excels in leveraging her expertise in data science, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, showcasing her unwavering passion and technical prowess.
Okky Marita Sari
Analis Inovasi Digital B2B di produsen otomotif sepeda motor terkemuka di Indonesia. Di industri yang didominasi oleh pria, ia unggul dalam memanfaatkan keahliannya dalam ilmu data, kecerdasan buatan, dan keamanan siber, menunjukkan semangat dan keahlian teknisnya yang tak tergoyahkan.
Vika Indriyasari Kurnianingrum
SEA Commercial Director @Neurosensum & SurveySensum
Vika Indriyasari, Commercial Director at Neurosensum and SurveySensum, leverages 15+ years of Indonesian business expertise. A skilled strategist, she excels in client relations, driving results with tailored approaches and a commitment to continuous growth.
Vika Indriyasari Kurnianingrum
Direktur Komersial di Neurosensum dan SurveySensum
memanfaatkan lebih dari 15 tahun pengalaman bisnis di Indonesia. Sebagai seorang strategis berbakat, ia unggul dalam hubungan dengan klien, mendorong hasil dengan pendekatan yang disesuaikan dan komitmen terhadap pertumbuhan berkelanjutan.
Vice President Finance & Treasury @PT Elnusa Tbk
Hanny Retno Hapsari, VP Finance & Treasury at PT Elnusa, brings over 20 years of expertise in leading public state-owned enterprises. A lifelong learner, she champions negotiation and communication skills as catalysts for career advancement.
Hanny Retno Hapsari
Wakil Presiden Finance & Treasury di PT Elnusa Tbk
membawa lebih dari 20 tahun keahlian dalam memimpin BUMN. Sebagai life-long learner, ia memperjuangkan keterampilan negosiasi dan komunikasi sebagai katalisator untuk kemajuan kariernya.
Registration for in-person tickets closes on 29th June at 08:30. Limited tickets available.
Q. Is it free to join?
A. Yes! Participation is free, but slots are very limited. Also, we will be prioritizing verified partners and active community members, so please register early! Please note that tickets will only be issued to verified registrants. This is an in-person workshop/training.
Q. I’m based outside of Indonesia. Can I still join?
A. As this is a closed door in-person networking event, we can only accommodate Indonesia based community members
Q. Is it only for women?
A. Just like our regular She Loves Data #MeetUp events, this networking event is open to all professional men and women. #HeLovesData too!
Q. Is this an interactive discussion?
A. Definitely interactive! Your thoughts, feedback and questions are most welcome and will be entertained during the live Q&A portions and roundtable discussions at the end of the panel chats.
Please email us at and we’ll help.
By registering you understand that the details you provide during the registration process will be collected and used by She Loves Data. Photographs and/or videos may be taken at the event. By taking part in this event you grant the event organizers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for publicity and/or marketing purposes. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity materials, social media, and press releases.
Signature Program: Intermediate SQL
#Data #Intermediate #SQL
Nov 27, 2021 (Saturday), 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Singapore Time
Improve your understanding on intermediate functionality, and usage of SQL
-> Get a deeper understanding on datatypes
-> Learn the order of execution for SQL Commands
-> Understand how to manage, update and change a table in a database
-> View, join and combine related data across multiple tables
-> Get ready for the next advanced course!
Q. Is it free to join?
A. Yes! Participation is free, but slots are limited, so please register early!
Q. I’m based outside of APAC. Can I still join?
A. Absolutely! This is a worldwide online event. You can join from any part of the world.
Q. Is it only for women?
A. The online webinar is an inclusive event and open to all genders. #HeLovesData #zelovesdata too!
Do you have any other questions?
Please contact us and we’ll help you:
By registering you understand that the details you provide during the registration process will be collected and used by She Loves Data. Photographs and/or videos may be taken at the event. By taking part in this event you grant the event organisers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for publicity and/or marketing purposes. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity materials, social media, and press releases.
‘Thriving in the New Economy’ Leadership Series Part 2: RISING STRONG AND CLAIMING YOUR COURAGE NARRATIVE
#Softskills #Intermediate #Leadership
August 14, 2021 (Saturday)
03:00 PM Jakarta | 04:00 PM in Singapore / Manila / KL / Hong Kong
06:00 PM in Sydney | 09:00 AM in London | 10:00 AM in Prague
Part 1 of this series focused on why we need courage to persist in ambiguous times, and helped us to identify the thought barriers that got in our way. If you missed this, you can still watch it here.
Join us again in Webinar 2 where we will learn about:
a. Claiming Back Your Courage to Lead: experienced female leaders in tech will share how we can address the challenges of the new economy, one courageous step at a time.
-> Celine Heissat Le Cotonnec (Chief Data Innovation Officer at Bank of Singapore)
-> Tracy Quah (VP Marketing APJ at Informatica) and
-> Jana Marle Zizkova (Co-founder and CEO, Meiro).
b. How to Write Your Courage Narrative: Sha-en Yeo, MAPP, will conduct a workshop on how to leverage your strengths and re-frame the stories that we tell ourselves, thereby claiming a new narrative that allows us to step up and lead bravely.
Founder at Happiness Scientists
Sha-en is a professional workforce psychologist, trainer and TedX speaker. Sha-en has trained more than 20,000 people in the tools and research of Positive Psychology. She has been featured in the documentary “Chasing Happiness,” and various regional publications. She is a graduate of the prestigious University of Pennsylvania’s Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP). She studied under the pioneers and leading researchers in the field, such as Dr Martin Seligman & Prof Angela Duckworth.
Chief Data Innovation Officer at Bank of Singapore
VP, Marketing APAC & Japan at Informatica
Tracy pioneered Informatica’s global-wide effort to promote gender equality, encouraging female leadership in technology and data. In 2019, she launched Women in Data Leadership (WIDL), a community of female CIOs and CDOs from Fortune 500 companies.
Tracy’s 20+ years of marketing experience in the IT industry includes stints at IBM, Red Hat Asia Pacific, Sunway Business Computers (S&I), Microbank (Sunguard), and Sterling Commerce (now IBM).
Avid data and diversity advocate, Jana headed teams and country operations at Estee Lauder, Sybase, SAS and Socialbakers.
A Czech native and a Swedish citizen, Jana has been living in Singapore since 2012, where she co-founded a data consultancy, and later, Customer Data Platform start-up Meiro. She also co-founded the non-profit She Loves Data, which was recognised “Diversity Initiative of the Year” in 2019 by Women in IT Asia. Recently, Jana was honoured as one of Singapore’s 100 Women in Tech 2020.
Between 2008 and 2009 she was also one of the “Top 25 Business Women” in the Czech Republic.
Q. Is it free to join?
A. Yes! Participation is free, but slots are limited, so please register early!
Q. I’m based outside of APAC. Can I still join?
A. Absolutely! This is a world wide online event. You can join from any part of the world.
Q. Is it only for women?
A. The online webinar is an inclusive event and open to all genders. #HeLovesData #zelovesdata too! But the content for this specific workshop is designed for women as of now.
Do you have any other question? Please contact us and we’ll help you:
By registering you understand that the details you provide during the registration process will be collected and used by She Loves Data. Photographs and/or video may be taken at the event. By taking part in this event you grant the event organisers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for publicity and/or marketing purposes. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity materials, social media, and press releases.
‘Thriving in Our New Normal’ Leadership Series : HOW WOMEN IN TECH CAN LEAD BRAVELY IN A SEA OF CHANGE
Learn how to Lead Bravely in Turbulent Times, and how to Unblock Thought Barriers to Courage!