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Class 3: Future proofing the marketing plan

Welcome to Class 3 of our SLDxDigital program.

The final class will be addressing upcoming changes in marketing through AI. We will cover how AI is touching various parts of the value chain from content creation, targeting to advanced analytics.  

Here’s What’s On the Agenda:

Introductions and Overview of AI in Marketing
🧠 Explore the wonders of AI in marketing.
📝 AI-Powered Content Creation: Watch in awe as AI generates mind-blowing content.
💡 Content Ideation with LLM: Discover how AI can spark creativity and fresh ideas.
📸 AI Image Creation: Witness the magic of AI in creating striking visuals.
🎬 Automated Video Editing: See how AI can edit videos in a snap.
🖌️ Canva Pro Automated Post Creation [Hands-On Demo]: Learn the secrets to creating posts effortlessly.

AI-Driven Advertising
🕵️ Competitor Ads Transparency + LLM for Advert Copy: Unlock the power of AI for competitive insights and ad copy.
🌟 Dynamic Ad Creation: See how AI can make your ads come to life.
💰 Automated Bidding Strategy: Watch AI optimize your bidding strategies for maximum impact.


Q. Is it free to join?
A. Yes! Participation is free, but slots are limited, so please register early!

Q. I’m based outside of Singapore. Can I still join?
A. Absolutely! This is an APAC-wide online event. You can join from any part of the world.

Q. Is it only for women?
A. This online webinar is open to all professional men and women. #HeLovesData too!

Q. Is this an interactive discussion or just a ‘listen-in’ webinar?
A. Definitely interactive! Your thoughts, feedback and questions are most welcome

Date and Time:

Saturday October 28, 2023 4:00PM – 6:30PM SGT


Nickey Khemchandani

Founder @ Collective Global Founder @ Refugeek  

Co-Founder / CTO @ DearMX

Co-Founder / CTO @ BSD Education

Nickey Khemchandani is a polyglot technologist & marketer that focuses on building, growing and evolving businesses through technology innovation.

Nickey has been leading the technological and digital vision of BSD Education as its co-founder and Chief Technology Officer. Throughout his leadership, he has helped BSD develop a revolutionary EdTech solution that is enabling educators around the world (25 countries) bring digital skills to their students (150,000+).

He has over 15 years of experience in developing and scaling technology solutions. He utilizes best-in-class product development techniques to help businesses go from ideation to launching revenue generating products. In addition, his expertise in digital marketing helps drive scale for businesses and enables teams to harness the power of data. Corporations globally seek his expertise in designing large scale digital transformation projects. 

His passion for technology and businesses has led him to be featured across several leading publications and books. He has been invited to speak at international conferences around the topics of technology application in various industries. His vision is fuelled by his desire to enable others through technology.