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#Data #Advanced #SQL


November 12, 2022 (Saturday), 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM SGT

The event will help participants understand the advanced functionalities of SQL, including complex joins and advance functions, and gain a deeper knowledge of using SQL for advanced data analytics through practical exercises. This will also set the foundations for using complex SQL queries across databases when dealing with large real-life data sets.

Who can join?

  1. Received an Intro and Intermediate SQL Certification of Completion 2022
  2. Received an Intro and Intermediate SQL Certification of Participation 2022
  3. Anyone who has an intermediate SQL knowledge

Target Audience:
Anyone who is keen to learn and gain a deeper understanding of SQL. This session is open to all. Note: Prerequisite requires participants to clear the SQL Beginner & Intermediate levels of She Loves Data.




Aishwarya Ramakrishnan

Senior Vice President  – Banking and Financial Services Industry
Aish has ~12 years of experience leading digital and data transformation and automation initiatives in the financial services industry.
She is a machine learning and AI enthusiast, and also auctions her original artwork for charity.


Arushi Datta

Strategy & Analytics LeadFintech
Arushi is a strategy & analytics professional with ~10 years of experience within the tech industry across high-growth startups.
In her day job, she combines her business knowledge and data skills to drive data-driven strategic initiatives and programs.Outside of her day job, she is a mentor and angel investor in early stage startups.


Q. Is it free to join?
A. Yes! Participation is free, but slots are limited, so please register early!

Q. I’m based out of APAC. Can I still join?
A. Absolutely! This is an APAC-wide online event. You can join from any part of the world.

Q. Is it only for women?
A. This online webinar is open to all professional men and women. #HeLovesData too!

Do you have any other questions?
Please contact us and we’ll help you:

By registering you understand that the details you provide during the registration process will be collected and used by She Loves Data.   Photographs and/or videos may be taken at the event. By taking part in this event you grant the event organizers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for publicity and/or marketing purposes. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity materials, social media, and press releases